Sustainability encompasses at least three concomitant dimensions: economic, social and environmental. Some authors are detaching also the cultural dimension apart. Sustainable Development implies in the economic growth with social equity and respect to the environment and to cultural peculiarities. Sustainable Companies are those which pursue results in the so called “triple bottom-line”: they maximize their economic returns and value added emergence at the same time they prevent and minimize their environmental and social-cultural risks. Social-environmental inversions represent, under this perspective, a “hedge” that assures the long-term permanence of the operations and the enhancement of the organization’s reputation. Today, Governace aspects also play a main role, specially in finacers and investors’ point of view (ESG, ou EESG)
We work with Sustainability in the following areas:
- Development of corporate policies in Sustainability.
- Strategic advice in Sustainability issues for companies (action plans for compliance and certification; environmental and social permitting; personnel re-engineering and training).
- Development of ESG management systems.
- Development of strategies and methodological customization on reporting (GRI, Social-environmental Annual Report, Integrated Report).
- Development of projects and programs on Sustainability.